I can't get shipping rates for my address

Are you trying to ship internationally? Fracture orders can only be shipped within the United States and to Canada at this time.

Our site connects to a shipping address validator to verify that your shipping address is correct. You may see an error message that states, "We tried but we couldn't find that address" if the validator is having trouble confirming your info. Check your zip code to make sure it has the correct number of digits.

Missing a digit of the zip code, an extra digit, or an incorrect zip code are the primary reasons that you'll see this error—as long as the zip code is correct, you'll be able to proceed.

Are you still having trouble with your address?

Most of the time this is caused by a connection error and the easiest way to fix it is to refresh your page and enter your info again. Otherwise, try to set the order up in a new website browser to see if you run into the same issue there.

If you're still having trouble, feel free to reach out to our Customer Support team by clicking (or tapping) on the chat bubble in the lower corner of this page. We'll be happy to help troubleshoot! You can also email us directly at support@fractureme.com and someone from our team will email you back ASAP.