Where can I find a receipt of my order?

Our site will automatically email an order confirmation to you with your order's details (usually within 10 minutes of the payment being complete). You can also view the summary and receipt for your order on our site, from within your account—simply follow the steps below!

  1. Starting from our homepage, login using the same email address that your order was placed with.

  2. Use the menu in the top-right corner of our site, and then click on 'Order History' to navigate to this page of your account.

    You'll find an overview page of your account where you can see all of the orders previously placed with your email address.

  3. To see more detailed information about an order, click on the "View" button to the right side, next to the order you’d like to review.

    This brings you to the Order Details page, which shows what photos were printed, the shipping address, and a breakdown of your order's total and any coupons that were applied.

  1. You can then save this page by hitting cmd + p or ctrl + p on your keyboard—either print it out for your records or save it as a .PDF on your computer.