Will my photos be edited or adjusted?

We don’t edit or alter your photos prior to printing. For a proof or preview of your order before it’s submitted, our site preview will display your image exactly the way it will be printed on the glass:

The exact dimensions in inches are listed below the name of the size. All rectangular Fracture prints are automatically cropped to a 4:3 aspect ratio when uploaded. Click here to learn how to adjust the cropping on your image.

Please note: We don't make any adjustments, edits, or corrections to photos uploaded to our site, so make sure to have your photo file just the way you'd like it before uploading.

If you need to make some basic edits to your photo file like adjusting its brightness, contrast, and saturation, click the Edit Photo button, and use the Adjust section of our photo editor to do so.

To add text or borders, you'll need to use a third-party photo editing program or website. From there, you can re-save your image and then upload it to our website.