How should I clean my Fracture print?

Do you have dust or fingerprints on your glass print? No worries! The surface of your print may be gently cleaned with Windex (or any other type of glass cleaner) and a paper towel or microfiber cloth. 

You’ll only want to clean the front of the glass, as excess liquids/chemicals may damage the ink on the backside of the glass and mount.

Here's how it's done!

For optimal cleaning, have two paper towels (or microfiber cloths) ready: one sprayed with glass cleaner, and the other completely dry.

Wipe your smudged print with the wet paper towel or cloth.

Then, to remove any leftover moisture, wipe your print with the dry paper towel or cloth.

Ta-da! Your glass print should now be crystal clear—smudge and streak-free.